A. Overview
Formation of Kerinci Seblat National Park is the result of the unification of several conservation areas such Kerinci: Inderapura Nature Reserve and Bukit Tapan, Wildlife Rawasa Huku Lakitan dew-Bukit Kayu and Gedang Seblat. In the nature reserve there are areas of protected forests and production forests. Function of forest area produce water to meet water needs for the people who live along the banks of the river like a river Batanghari and Musi river. Given the vital role of the forest, then on October 4, 1982 to coincide with the World National Parks Congress held in Bali, the government made the area of Kerinci Seblat National Park as a protected forest area.
Geographically, Kerinci Seblat National Park are on the line 100 ° 31'18 "- 102 ° 44 'east latitude and 17'13" -326 '14 "south latitude. Kerinci Seblat National Park has an area of 1.368 million ha, with the details: area 353,780 ha (25.86%) are in the area of West Sumatra province, 422,190 ha (30.86%) are in the area of Jambi province, 310,910 ha (22.73%) is located in the province of Bengkulu, and an area of 281,120 ha (20.55 %) is located in South Sumatra Province. Kerinci Seblat National Park Areas included in the area of District 9, 43 district and 134 villages in four provinces. Most of this park is the South Bukit Barisan mountain range in central Sumatra Island.
National Park, Kerinci Seblat topography at an altitude between 200 to 3805 meters above sea level is bumpy, steep slope and sharp. While the park is relatively flat topography, is at an altitude of 800 meters above sea level or contained in the enclave is located in the Kerinci regency.
B. FeatureIn the Kerinci Seblat National Park there are several types of forest ecosystems. Starting from the lowland forest ecosystem types, up to sub-alpine ecosystems and several unique ecosystems such as peat swamps, freshwater swamps and lakes. Kerinci Seblat National Park also has a primary forest with some types of vegetation. The main vegetation type is dominated formations such as: low-lying vegetation that is above 200 to 600m above sea level (asl); forest vegetation of the mountain / hill at an altitude of 600 to 1,500 m above sea level; montane forest vegetation which is at altitude of 1,500 to 2,500 m asl, forest thicket vegetation gleichenia / ferns that grow at an altitude of 2,500 to 2.800m above sea level and the last sub-alpine forest vegetation that grows on the level 2300 up to 3.200m above sea level.
In the area of Kerinci Seblat National Park in general grows about 4,000 species of flora from 63 families. There are many types of flora in the forest area which is dominated by the family Dipterocarpaceae, Leguminosae, Lauraceae, Myrtaceae, Bommacaceae, Moraceae, Anacardiaceae, Myristicaceae, Euphorbiaceae and Meliaceae. While at an altitude of 500m to 2000m above sea level, the type of flora that grow in these forests dominated by the families Fagaceae, Erycaceae and sub-alpine shrubs of Vaccinium and Rhododendron species.
In the Kerinci Seblat National Park there are also types of vegetation that became his trademark, among which are: Histiopteris insica (highest vascular plants) that can be found on the walls of the crater of Mount Kerinci, various types of Nepenthes sp, Pinus mercusii strain Kerinci, Wood bloodsucker (Harpullia arborea) , Raflesia Flower (Rafflesia Arnoldi), Agathis sp. In 1993, the Biological Science Club (BScC) conducts research in the area of buffer zone and they found 115 types of vegetation ethnobotanical. This vegetation type can be used for medicines, cosmetics, food, anti-mosquito and household purposes, such as frequently used by local communities.
While the types of fauna that artifacts in Kerinci Seblat National Park recorded 42 species of mammals, 10 species of reptiles, 6 ampibia species, 306 bird species from 49 families and 8 species of endemic birds. Several types of mammals that can be found among them: Sumatran Rhinoceros (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis), Sumatran elephant (Elephas maximus sumatrensis), Macan Dahan (Neopholis nebulosa), Tiger striped Sumatran (Panthera tigris sumatrensis), Golden Cat (Felis termminnckii), tapir (Tapirus indica), Goats Forest (Capricornis sumatrensis). Amphibia types include: horned frog (Mesophyrs nasuta); species of primates: Siamang (Sympalagus syndactylus), agile gibbon (Hylobates agilis), Wau-kite Black (Hylobates lar), Hoop (Presbytis melalobates), monkey (Macaca nemestrina) and Long Tail Monkeys (Macaca fascicularis) and endemic bird species such as: Bird Tiung Sumatra (Cochoa becari), Bird Quail howl (Arborophila rubirostris), bird plop (Otus stresemanni) and Bird Abang Cheeks (Laphora inornata).
C. LocationKerinci Seblat National Park stretches in 9 districts, 43 district and 134 villages scattered in 4 provinces of Jambi, West Sumatra, Bengkulu and South Sumatra.
D. Ticket PricesIn the process of confirmation
E. Access
To reach the location can be reached by landline with several alternatives: the first alternative, with the location of the park is in the province of Jambi: Jambi journey starts from the town into the River Fully at a distance of about 500 km, with about 10 hours of travel time using public transportation, car rented or private car.
The second alternative with the location of the park is in the province of West Sumatra: the trip can be started from the town of Padang to Tapan, then continued into the River Fully at a distance 278 km, with a long journey around 7 hours by using public transportation, car rental or private car.
The third alternative to the location of the park is in the area of West Sumatra province: the journey begins from Padang to Muaralabuh, then the trip continued to Kersik Tuo. The distance from the city of Padang to a location about 211 km and can be reached within about 5-6 hours using public transportation, car rental or private car.
Fourth Alternative to the location of the park is in the area of Bengkulu province: the journey begins from Bengkulu to Muara Aman, with about 4 hours travel time using public transportation, car rental or private car.
The fifth alternative to the location of the park is in the area of Bengkulu province: the journey begins from Bengkulu to Argamakmur with travel time about 2 hours using public transportation, car rental or private car.
Alternative sixth with the location of the park is in the area of South Sumatra province: the journey begins from Bengkulu to Lubuk Linggau, with travel time approximately 3 hours by using public transportation, car rental or private car.
The seven alternatives to the location of the park is in the area of South Sumatra province: the journey begins from Palembang to Lubuk Linggau, with travel time approximately 6 hours using public transportation, car rental or private car.
Alternative eighth with the location of the park is in the area of South Sumatra Province: perjalana starting from Lubuk Linggau to Muara Rupit, then to the marl Surulangun and slippery, with travel time for about 4 hours using public transportation, car rental or private car
Alternative Ninth through the water with the location of the park is in the area of South Sumatra Province: From the Estuary to the marl Slippery Rupit trip takes about 2 hours by using a speed boad.
The cost to the location through each of these routes are still in the process of data collection.
F. Accommodation and FacilitiesFull River in the city (the capital of the Kerinci regency), many hotels that could be occupied by the tourists to stay. Prices for single rooms are relatively cheap with rates ranging from Rp. 50000.00 up to 100,000, 00 per night per room (February 2008). For the business of eating and drinking, it was not fitting that during the Kerinci Payo not try to eat rice, fish curry Semah, Dendeng Beteko, Nuts Tojin, Lemang and Citrus Pelompek, or drinking coffee and tea Kayu Aro Kerinci.