A. Overview
Musi River has a length of 750 km and is the longest river in Sumatra Island. Since the kingdom of Srivijaya, the river is famous as the main means of public transportation. On the shores of the Musi River there is a New Boom Seaport and the Museum of Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II.
Musi River divides the city into two parts of the region of Palembang: ilir opposite in the north and across the pit in the south. Eyes water is sourced in the region Kepahiang, Bengkulu. This river is an estuary of the nine major tributaries, the River Komering, Rawas, Batanghari, Leko, Lakitan, Kelingi, Lematang, Semangus, and Ogan. Important for the society of the Musi River in Palembang because as one alternative means of transportation. This can be seen from the many boat (taxi), motor pacing carry passengers who want to cross.
Usually visitors arriving in the afternoon until the evening to watch the sunset and the atmosphere that night was illuminated at approximately river. On the eve of Sunday or other holiday night, usually the number of visitors who visit the bridge and surrounding Ampera will be more.

Musi River became a place of recreation for young and old and children, including tourists outside the city of Palembang. In this area, visitors can see the Houses rafts, which is a traditional house in Palembang.
On certain days of celebration, such as Indonesia's Independence Anniversary, the festival was held water, such as race boat (bidar), boat decorating contest, a race swim across the river and others.
C. Location
Musi River is located in the center of the city of Palembang, which is part ilir in the north and Palembang in Palembang pit southern part.
D. Admission
To enter this area visitors do not need to pay admission for the Musi River is an open area.
E. Access
To go into the Musi River, visitors can use public transportation (public transportation) with majors Ampera or Pasar 16 Ilir Palembang Kenten Sako of the terminal, the tariff is around Rp.1.500, - to 5,000, - or using Pedicab Kilkenny, with a rate of approximately Rp. 5.000, - up to 10,000, -.
F. Accommodation and Facilities
In the vicinity of the Musi River there are many inns with rates varying between Rp.250.000, - to 5.000.000, -. While for the purposes of food that visitors do not need to be confused because in this place there are many restaurants, both in the river bank or floating home. Restaurants that offer a menu mainstay, as Pindang Catfish which is a typical food of Palembang. In addition, there are around the Musi River seller crackers, pempek Palembang and crafts-crafts, such as songket and jumputan fabric.
In the bridge area, visitors can rent a motor boat with rates ranging from 50,000 to 100,000, - depending on the shrewdness of tenants in the bargain.